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Mine Tours Interview at the Phoenix

Kit displays some old mine equipment to visitors.

Our resident jack of all trades, Kit Winfrey, recently answered a couple of questions on the Phoenix Gold Mine. Kit has been working at the Phoenix for close to a year now, having started with us back in July of 2020.

Some Favorite Things About the Phoenix Gold Mine?

Kit emphasized how much he loves working outside in a tranquil mountain area. He said that the best time of the year for their mine tours are the summer months of “Probably May, June, and July. That’s the most beautiful time out here in the mountains. It’s not too hot yet, but it’s just so beautiful.” This time of the year means people can pan and picnic along the creek without interruption from adverse weather.

When asked what his favorite piece of history is, Kit replied, “probably, how they accidentally discovered the second vein out here in the ‘70s. It was totally by accident. The current owner and his sister were out and about, and they just stumbled upon it [...] they were only ten or something at the time and I just think that’s so funny.”

Generally, Kit emphasized geology as an interesting aspect of the mine which he considered to often be overlooked: “The geology here. I think it’s so interesting. I think a lot of people come here for the gold exclusively, but there are so many other things out here; we have a very rich copper vein, a very rich source of iron in the mine [...] It’s kind of a geology haven out here!”

When asked if there was a geology section of the tour people could go on, Kit responded by saying, “Totally, yeah. If they are interested, they can totally ask me more questions. I try to keep it concise within the time slot, but I am totally down to personalize the tour for people if somebody was really into [geology] we might talk about that for most of the tour.”

Why Visit the Phoenix Gold Mine?

One distinguishing factor, Kit had mentioned, is that the Phoenix Gold Mine offers the opportunity to pan for gold in a creek. The creek at the Phoenix Gold Mine is naturally supplied with gold, rather than being stocked.

Additionally, Kit mentioned a lot of other activities and places nearby that would pair very well with the mine tours for a great day out. Saint Mary’s and Dinosaur Ridge, for instance. Additionally, Kit says Phoenix Gold Mine’s proximity to Idaho Springs is a great historical connection: “Exploring old town Idaho Springs as well. It’s so cute and it’s a relic of the gold rush era, so I think it’s kind of a nice complement to seeing the gold rush history at the Phoenix, and then seeing the town as a relic of that era.”

Come and meet Kit for a tour at the Phoenix Gold Mine! Book yours today.


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